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Jadeite is from the family Jade, which also includes Nephrite, its not-so-valuable sibling. Jadeite is considered to be so precious by the Chinese that they have a saying that, "gold is valuable; jade is priceless.".

The most highly valued jadeite is translucent with a vivid emerald green. Also highly valued is Jadeite in which the colour is evenly distributed. However, while in the West, deep and vivid green Jadeite is preferred, the Far East prefers pure white or yellow jadeite with a pink tone, along with the rare and very valuable, green imperial Jadeite.



Sources: Myanmar is the key source of Jadeite and also the main source of Imperial Jadeite. A US trade embargo against Myanmar is making it increasingly difficult to obtain Jadeite, however, it is also found in Japan, Canada, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Cuba, the USA and Guatemala. Imperial Jadeite has also been found in Guatemala.

Similar gemstones: Amazonite, Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Serpentine and Emerald can all resemble Jadeite. 

Colour palette: Pure Jadeite is actually white, with trace elements producing the green, red, yellow, pink, violet, orange, black, and brown colours of this gemstone. Jadeite usually exhibits vivid colour and is most treasured for its vivid green, but it also comes in lavender, pink, yellow, and white. 

Chrysomelanite is a dark green Jade mottled with black speckles or lines.

Imperial Jade is the deep emerald-green, translucent form of Jade.

Lavender Jade is a lavender, light-purple form of Jade.

Russian Jade is a spinach-green Jade from the Lake Baikal area in Russia. 

More information about Jadeite: Jadeite is not a designated Birthstone but is the 12th Wedding Anniversary gemstone and is thought to possess health-strengthening and rejuvenating properties and encourage longevity.

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